
Adjud’s plea for help

Like so many other places in Romania, Adjud is a small, poor town with lots of stray dogs on the streets; the people are overwhelmed with this issue and they wish someone would help solve it. The City Hall has a public shelter running with approximately 150 dogs inside so far. Many of them are not spayed or neutered and are kept together with no regard for the fact that soon they will have twice as many dogs. The public shelters are far from solving the stray dogs’ issue and the animals face living in a prison environment.

For now, the Mayor says they won’t kill any dog inside the public shelter, but no real plan of keeping the number under control is applied yet. Soon, the shelter will be overcrowded with new born dogs. 

The local charity is asking for RAR’s help once more. Thanks to their wonderful donors, Romania Animal Rescue was able to provide 314 free spay/neuter procedures in the past (2012 and 2013) for both stray and owned dogs and cats. To really appreciate this amazing gesture, just think of how many puppies are not in the public shelter now, being hungry, cold, left at the mercy of their hormones and locked up with many other fertile dogs. 

Romania Animal Rescue wishes to return to Adjud this spring and help the local community with as many free spay/neuter procedures as possible. All the fertile dogs from the public shelter will be spayed which will not only better their living conditions, but also prevent countless others from taking their parents’ turn inside that hellish prison. Owners will also be helped to become responsible pet owners, as they will no longer have to abandon unwanted pups and pregnant females onto the streets.
 It is also high time we show our children the responsible, efficient and humane way to solve the stray dogs’ overpopulation issue in Romania: 

If you wish to help the people and dogs from Adjud, please donate to Paypal: romaniadogs@sbcglobal.net with the message: “for Adjud spayathon”
Or visit this webpage that helps you donate to Adjud directly:  http://www.romaniaanimalrescue.com/support-rar/campaigns/adjud-spay-neuter-campaign
Thank you for supporting Romania Animal Rescue’s work in Romania!

We look forward for a brighter future!

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